Spanish Dance Society ®
PATRONS: Antonio Najarro . Tamara Rojo . José Antonio Ruiz
to the Spanish Dance Society
in UK & Europe

Celebrating more than 55 years of the creation of a Programme of Study with a unique examination method in the world of teaching Spanish Dance.
The creators have been honoured with medals by King Juan Carlos 1 and King Felipe V1.
In England it was originally given Ofqual Government Recognition under the auspices of the impressive Awarding Body, Trinity. Now it is offered by the dance specialist-regulated awarding organisation Graded Qualifications Alliance (GQAL).
The Programmes of Study encompass all the richness of Spain’s culture. Such variety is found nowhere else in the world except in the cultural regions of Spain, and is still prevalent uniquely after thousands of years of integrating many different customs and folklore, exhibiting rare unique musical instruments, differing footwear and folk costumes pertaining to individual regions, all influencing the vast variety of dance techniques and styles.
The SDS offers all this, tailored to examinations suited to age and ability. There is a choice of two types of examinations, both comprising Junior graded examinations from Primary to a Senior vocational programme of study, ending in two teachers’ examinations of “Instructor de Baile” and a final “Profesor de Baile”.
Examinations can be held in the teacher’s studio, annually or biannually.
External examiners' written reports are issued, giving feedback for teachers and candidates, the final Certificates showing the progress made.
Music and video for the programmes of study is available digitally. The classical Escuela Bolera, has music recorded on the forte piano of the era, stylised Danza Estilizada to classical music, and the exercises and dances are specially transcribed and recorded on piano, plus the flamenco with singer and guitar.
Director Dulcie Howes, of the Cape Town University Ballet School and Company, immediately recognised the importance of the Spanish Dance Society’s creation of a unique examination method for Spanish Dance.
Howes incorporated the method at once into the University of Cape Town Ballet School Curriculum. She generously funded the printing of Programme of study books and music etc. and the recording of it on cassettes; with João Dos Santos playing his specially transcribed music.
It enabled the SDS to start examining immediately. Marina Keet, a teacher at the school, was to supervise. Karen Langerman a UCT graduate, researched the Spanish script writing, and designed the first programme of study cover for the SDS.
In Spain the teachers were able to abandon the old method of teaching only dance after dance. They expressed their gratitude of inheriting a unique method for teaching through examinations, with the words, “It has changed our lives.”